Friday, 10 October 2014

How Heat Therapy Can Do the Miracle on the Muscle Pain in Horses

Horses suffer from many types of pain in their muscular region, blood vessels, nerve tissues, etc, due to variety of problems such as muscle spasms, pressure from the tissues on the nerve cells and also due to the change in the positioning of the connective tissues. No matter what type of pain it is, no suffering can outrun the effect of horse heat lamps and hoof gel used to trigger natural curing process. 


Sudden trauma to any soft tissue usually results with major problem in horses such as fibrositis, tendonitis, bursitis, acute injury, and so on. No matter what type of injury it is, the pain that draws for more than the estimated time can always prove dangerous to the muscles of the horse legs. 

Heat as the best Treatment procedure 

Heat is the form of energy that can successfully trigger the metabolism in the cellular level resulting in increased flow of oxygen to the required body parts. 

  • With the increased flow of blood cells and nutrients to particular part of the muscular layer, the capillaries start dilating due to excess accumulation of oxygen and nutrients.
  • The dilating process of capillary cells triggers the enzymatic activity. The membrane diffusion process usually results with intake of oxygen and excreting the waste components, which is mainly composed of the debris from the injuries. The cause of pain (debris) include histamine, bradykinin, prostaglandins, etc, and other such products.
  • With the removal of the major components that are responsible for causing pain, the injuries start healing and hence the horses can get back in the game within no time.
How to Apply Heat 

Following the treatment procedure should be done with perfect type of temperature pressure (for about 5 F to 12 F extra than the normal body temperature of horses). In order to do so, using horse heat lamps can be the best option. Frequently massaging on the injured area using hoof gel can also be the best option to generate required temperature. 

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